The beginning of a creative journey...

One of King Island's talented young artist, Aruba Blackie shares a little about her creative journey so far.  Her paintings, each one stunning and filled with passion.  They can stir your emotions and leave a lasting impression. 

This dedicated young lady will no doubt succeed, whichever path she chooses to explore in the future.




Hi, my name is Aruba Blackie, I am 15 yrs old and a young artist. Art became a focal point in my life when I won my first prize at the King Island Show for my imitation of Margarita Akhmetgaleeva’s blue whale painting. I have always enjoyed art, especially art classes in primary school.  Ms Morley, the art teacher, taught me many things, some of them being to not be so organized but be free and just go with the flow. Her classes flexible and organized based on the vibe and creativity of the students and on the day.

Going forward 5 years, I met my mentor, Liz Butcher, an artist and my true inspiration. She has taught me many skills and techniques.  How to look at things from a different perspective.  Know you can always rework a painting you're not happy with and how you can turn it around or turn it into a whole different thing if you choose to.

My Currie Harbour painting was looked at from a different perspective and I went with a whole new idea for the water, it turned out way better than I ever imagined. I wouldn’t have done my first original piece without her assistance, having her beside me the whole way, encouraging me when I was doubting and struggling at times with the painting. 

In the future I would like my art to be a big thing in my life, like a second job.  I am young and have other hopes and dreams to pursue for my future, art is not out of the picture that’s for sure. My preferred medium would be acrylic paints but I would love to learn and try out watercolor. 

Photo: Aruba, holding her first original piece of Currie Harbour, of a starry, galaxy night.  Acrylic paints were used.

If you are interested in seeing more of Aruba's artwork, get in touch through the King Island Kelp Craft 'Contact Us' page and we will forward your message onto Aruba and her family to make contact with you.